
30 May 22:08
30 May 22:08
May 2024
May 2024
Cibersegurança em Sistemas de Gestão Técnica de Edifícios

When Buildings Start to Breathe: The European Energy Revolution | EPBD

When Buildings Start to Breathe: The European Energy Revolution | EPBD – Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

28 Apr 15:09
28 Apr 15:09
Apr 2024
Apr 2024
Cibersegurança em Sistemas de Gestão Técnica de Edifícios

Cybersecurity in Technical Building Management Systems

A completely automated city, where every building is a living organism, pulsating with electronic systems that regulate everything. In a forgotten corner, a hacker, thousands of kilometres away, inserts a line of malicious code…

25 Mar 14:45
25 Mar 14:45
Mar 2024
Mar 2024
Adaptação dos Sistemas GTC:SACE às Mudanças Climáticas2

Adapting BMS to Climate Change

In a forgotten corner of a pulsating city, a building rises, a silent testimony to the relentless advance of time…

30 Jan 19:10
30 Jan 19:10
Jan 2024
Jan 2024
Por trás da cortina- os bastidores da WiseBuilding

Behind the curtain: behind the scenes at WiseBuilding

Today we want to share a little behind the scenes of WiseBuilding (Wise to our friends) and what we’ve been doing on the building automation and management scene in Portugal.

28 Nov 11:59
28 Nov 11:59
Nov 2023
Nov 2023
wisebuilding recebe premio Easy IO

Wisebuilding receives BEST INNOVATOR Johnson Controls Europe 2023 award

Wisebuilding recebe distinção BEST INNOVATOR Johnson Controls Europe 2023 at Benidorm, Spain.

22 Sep 11:12
22 Sep 11:12
Sep 2023
Sep 2023
Do Betão ao Byte- A Ascensão da Gestão Técnica nas Urbes Inteligentes do Amanhã

From Concrete to Byte: The Rise of Technical Management in Tomorrow’s Smart Urbs

Innovation landscape for smart electrification

04 Sep 12:09
04 Sep 12:09
Apoio a edifícios mais sustentáveis 2023 - Ainda vale a pena?

Government funding for more sustainable buildings 2023 – Is it still worth it?

Innovation landscape for smart electrification

28 Jun 16:47
28 Jun 16:47
Jun 2023
Jun 2023
Cenário de inovação para a eletrificação inteligente

Innovation landscape for smart electrification

Innovation landscape for smart electrification

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