PNEC 2030 - Plano Nacional Energia e Clima - Resumo da Revisão 2024

The Sustainable Future of Buildings in Portugal: Insights from PNEC 2030

The National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 (PNEC 2030), revised in October 2024, sets out a clear path towards decarbonisation, energy efficiency and greater integration of renewable energies in the real estate sector. Between ambitious targets and detailed measures, the document outlines how buildings – residential and non-residential – can evolve to be more sustainable, efficient and prepared for future challenges. This article summarises the most relevant measures for owners, engineers and building managers, exploring how the plan aims to transform the national landscape.

The Sustainable Future of Buildings in Portugal: Insights from PNEC 2030PNEC 2030 - National Energy and Climate Plan - Summary of the 2024 Review

Goals Redefined: A Look at 2030

The revision of PNEC 2030 brings more ambitious targets, specifically in the reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, which now aims for a 55 per cent decrease by 2030, compared to the previous requirement of 45 per cent. This stricter target requires buildings, both residential and commercial, to implement advanced energy efficiency solutions and integrate low-carbon technologies.

Buildings are now challenged to renovate their structures to achieve significant energy savings. The target for reducing primary energy consumption has been set at 15 per cent for residential buildings and 7 per cent for non-residential buildings by 2030. The proposed interventions cover a total of 299 million square metres in residential buildings and 64 million in non-residential buildings.

The original version envisaged 9.0 GW of installed capacity in photovoltaic solar energy by 2030, but now the target has been increased to 20.4 GW, of which 5.5 GW corresponds to decentralised power, reflecting a significant increase in this technology.

We also aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2045, bringing forward the previous climate neutrality target of 2050, in line with the Basic Climate Law.

The original document is very long and stipulates many other measures. You can find it here:

Energy Rehabilitation: Transformation and Savings

The revised plan places great emphasis on the energy renovation of buildings and the integration of renewable energies. The introduction of technologies such as solar photovoltaics and efficient heating systems is encouraged, with the goal of increasing the proportion of renewable energy from 47 per cent to 49 per cent of gross final energy consumption by 2030.

The plan emphasises support for renovations that incorporate sustainable techniques, such as:

  • Efficient thermal insulation, reducing heating and cooling needs.
  • Integration of renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic and thermal.
  • Replacing fossil fuels with electrification .

In addition, the creation of digital one-stop shops, such as the casA+ Portal, facilitates access to funding and technical information to implement these changes.

The Sustainable Future of Buildings in Portugal: Insights from PNEC 2030PNEC 2030 - National Energy and Climate Plan - Summary of the 2024 Review

NZEB and ZEB Buildings: The New Generation of Sustainability

A key component of PNEC 2030 is the promotion of NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Buildings) and ZEB (Zero Emissions Buildings). These buildings are characterised by:

  • Almost zero or very low energy consumption, largely met by renewable energies.
  • Zero on-site carbon emissions, especially in ZEB buildings.

Implementing this transition requires the development of guidelines, focusing on monitoring consumption and applying efficient equipment.

Renewable Energy Communities: A Collective Solution

Another interesting measure in PNEC 2030 is support for the creation of renewable energy communities (RECs), which allow neighbouring buildings to share energy. These communities promote:

  • Collective self-consumption, maximising the local use of renewable energy.
  • Greater energy resilience, especially in inland municipalities or those with high levels of energy poverty.

RECs represent an opportunity to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and are particularly useful for residential and service buildings.

The Sustainable Future of Buildings in Portugal: Insights from PNEC 2030PNEC 2030 - National Energy and Climate Plan - Summary of the 2024 Review

Challenges and Future Benefits

Despite the opportunities, the PNEC 2030 recognises challenges in implementing these goals, including:

  1. High initial investment costs.
  2. Technical and regulatory barriers to the integration of new technologies.

However, the benefits far outweigh the obstacles. Energy-efficient buildings provide long-term financial savings, superior comfort and reduced emissions. According to the plan, implementing the measures by 2050 could reduce thermal discomfort by 26 per cent by 2030 and 56 per cent by 2050.


PNEC 2030 is not just a set of targets, but a practical roadmap for transforming buildings into sustainable and resilient assets. Its implementation requires the involvement of engineers, managers and owners, but promises tangible benefits in energy efficiency and sustainability. Is your building ready for this future?

WiseBuilding® is technically qualified to support any project that wants to comply with the national energy and climate plan. Contact us.

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