Building Management System
for Buildings: Energy Efficiency
and Complete Automation

Building Management System (BMS), also known as Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS), is essential for the automation and energy optimisation of buildings. This system centralises the control and monitoring of all mechanical and electrical equipment, including ventilation, lighting, energy systems, fire, security and more, using an advanced combination of software and hardware.

WiseBuilding designs and implements intuitive and easy-to-navigate systems that allow the building to be explored and controlled on a single screen, transforming conventional buildings into intelligent and efficient ones, allowing the integration, monitoring and control of all the technical infrastructures of a building, providing a more comfortable, safe and sustainable environment.

Building Management System
Each building is unique, not only because of its location and use, but also because of its specific operational needs.
Through a detailed diagnosis, we can identify inefficiencies, allowing us to set clear efficiency targets.
Once efficient scheduling routines have been implemented, and under continuous supervision, these measures translate into tangible improvements.
This process must be continuous, ensuring that the system is always optimised and that energy efficiency levels are consistently high.
Advantages of Expert Management:
  • Energy Efficiency: By optimising the operation of technical systems, significant energy savings can be achieved.
  • Comfort and safety: GTC automatically adjusts to environmental conditions and guarantees the safety of installations.
  • Sustainability: Contributes to reducing the ecological footprint by promoting the rational use of resources.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Continuous monitoring makes it possible to identify and resolve problems before they become critical.


WiseBuilding has developed WiseFramework, a BACnet B-AWS certified software solution for state-of-the-art integration, control, management and visualisation of building automation systems. Designed to redefine the way buildings are operated through an open platform and perfect harmonisation of data generated by the building, it supports multiple protocols including BACnet, Modbus, KNX, OPC-UA and MQTT. Through the use of Haystack technology, the software also enables the building to be at the forefront of the integration of different technical systems.


Customer satisfaction

Building Management System
Artificial Intelligence

WiseFramework is based on a fast and optimised database for data processing and analysis which enables you to operate and monitor all types of devices and systems on the network in a wide range of applications from small and simple to very large and complex.

It includes features to allow easy creation of customised dashboards to each user and graphs/charts for buildings and equipment, with highly intuitive navigation that works synchronously on mobile devices using HTML 5 technology. It also has the potential to generate customised reports such as energy consumption, analysis of deviations in energy consumption, summary of faults and alarms, invoicing or document management and also support detection of faults in the installation in a predictive manner thanks to its data analysis capacity.

The great scalability of the software allows it to manage several facilities and enterprises simultaneously based on a distributed and cloud-ready architecture. thus adding value to applications that require flexibility. The cyber securitytechnologies implemented in the software guarantees the user greater security.

WiseFramework disponibiliza ainda para o seu utilizador a ferramenta Wise2Cloud que fornece acesso remoto seguro e encriptado aos dados em tempo real eliminando a necessidade de uma rede privada virtual (VPN) para reduzir custos navegando instantaneamente, através de qualquer browser em qualquer lugar do mundo, permitindo também a integração segura com aplicações na cloud de terceiros.

Associated with this system is Wise Building / BrainBox AI, next generation technology that works as a cloud service improving the performance of existing HVAC equipment throug predictive and self-adaptive algorithmsusing artificial intelligence and cloud computing. .

The use of AI in buildings can reduce up to 40% in the carbon footprint generated by the building as well as up to 25% reduction in energy costs, up to 50% extension of equipment life and up to 60% improvement in occupant comfort.

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